Class & Subclass Reclassification
Class & Subclass Reclassification
In order to reclassify your micro-cultivation to a standard cultivation licence and add standard processing and sale for medical purposes licences to your site, you must submit a “Licence Class or Subclass” change request in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS).
Below is a list of required documents/information:
- Physical Security Plan (PSP)
- Organizational Security Plan (OSP)
- GPP Report
- QAP Qualifications
- Security Clearance for new personnel
- Record Keeping
- Site Evidence Package
- Compliance & signature documents

Note: In order to be allowed to sell cannabis extract products to provincially authorized retailors, you need to be a licenced micro/standard processor plus have add of sale to your licence. Once issued, the Micro/Standard processing licence will have conditions placed on it to restrict the sale of cannabis products (e.g. cannabis extract products) to provincially and territorially authorized retailers or to holders of a sale for medical purposes licence. These conditions remain on the licence until the licence holder demonstrates that they are able to meet all of the requirements of the regulations, specifically in regard to good production practices. This verification requires evidence to be submitted to Health Canada (e.g. certificates of analysis for finished product testing) and generally requires that an inspection be conducted. Should you wish to sell cannabis products (other than plants and seeds) to provincially and territorially authorized retailers and sale for medical purposes licence holders, you will need to apply to amend the conditions on your processing licence.
Note: Once approved for a standard class licence, the cultivation thresholds pertaining to your micro-cultivation licence will no longer apply.
If you submit an incomplete or “messy” application on your own, you may have to wait longer for the amendment approval. Trichome Consulting Services can assist you in submitting a thorough, accurate, and full application package so you may quickly and effectively get your amended licence.