Make Cannabis Products
Trim, cut, dry, extract, manufacture, package, label cannabis products.
Requirements To Make Cannabis Products
Processing licenses are ideal for anyone who desires to work with cannabis and its derivatives, such as oil, wax, hash, butter, and other extracts. A cannabis processing licence may be used for any activity involving extracting, packing, or labeling cannabis products. Companies that produce cannabis-based goods must obtain one of two licences: Micro Processing or Standard Processing, according to the Cannabis Act. The latter is suitable for larger expanding organizations, whereas the former is best for smaller outfits. These permits forbid the cultivation of cannabis and do not permit the holder to distribute cannabis-related goods or materials to the general public.
Personnel Requirements:
- Responsible person
- Head of security
- Quality assurance person
- Alternate responsible person (permitted but not required)
- Alternate head of security (permitted but not required)
- Alternate quality assurance person (permitted but not required)

A cannabis licence application typically requires several documents to be submitted to the regulator. This documentation can include items such as:

- a copy of your incorporation documents;
- financial documents (e.g. tax returns, a notice of assessment);
- an aerial view of your site;
- a floor plan;
- a site plan/survey;
- a physical security plan;
- an organizational security plan;
- a good production practices report, and more.
These documents must be submitted at the time of application and will be reviewed thoroughly by the reviewer/officer. You may have to wait longer to get your licence if you submit an incomplete or “messy” application, which will slow down the review of your file. Trichome Consulting Services can assist you in submitting a thorough, accurate, and full application package so you may quickly and effectively get your licence.
Micro-Processing License
The Micro-Processing Licence is typically only used by smaller enterprises because it only allows for the handling of up to 600 kg of dried flowers (or their equivalent) annually. This choice is suitable for companies who don’t have any immediate plans to increase their market reach. Micro-processors who also have a micro-cultivation licence are permitted to process more than the 600 kg cap, given that they are processing the cannabis cultivated from their own site.
If the only cannabis you own was grown using your own micro-cultivation permit on the same property, the possession restriction does not apply. The restriction will nonetheless be in place if you both grow your own cannabis and purchase it from other licence holders. This means that the total amount of cannabis you are allowed to possess, including cannabis cultivated on your property and cannabis obtained from other licence holders, cannot be more than the allowed amount. The possession cap does not apply to cannabis plants or seeds.
Processors can sell and distribute cannabis to other licence holders (processors, analytical testers, researchers, cannabis drug licence holders) and can manufacture/package/label cannabis-based products such as edibles, topicals and extracts for sale to other licence holders or to provincial and territorial retailers.

Standard Processing License
The Standard Processing Licence works similarly to the Micro-Processing Licence, except there is no annual cap on the volume of cannabis products that your company can process. You can manufacture, sell, and distribute an unlimited amount of cannabis with this licence.
Both Standard and Micro Processors are permitted to sell and distribute cannabis to other licence holders (processors, analytical testers, researchers, and owners of cannabis drug licences), and can manufacture/package/label cannabis-based products such as edibles, topicals and extracts for sale to other licence holders or to provincial and territorial retailers.