Medical Sales
Selling Medical Cannabis (with and without possession)
Although cannabis can be marketed for both recreational and medical uses under the Cannabis Act and Regulations, not all licences are governed by federal law. The provinces and territories are in charge of managing the sale and distribution of cannabis for recreational use, while the federal government manages the licencing for the sale of medical cannabis.
Personnel Requirements For Federal Medical Sales License:
- Responsible person
- Alternate responsible person (permitted but not required)
- Head of security
- Alternate head of security (permitted but not required)

A cannabis license application typically requires several documents to be submitted to the regulator. This documentation can include items such as:
- a copy of your incorporation documents;
- financial documents (e.g. tax returns, a notice of assessment);
- an aerial view of your site;
- a floor plan;
- a site plan/survey;
- a physical security plan;
- an organizational security plan;
- a good production practices report, and more.
These documents must be submitted at the time of application and will be reviewed thoroughly by the reviewer/officer. You may have to wait longer to get your licence if you submit an incomplete or “messy” application, which will slow down the review of your file. Trichome Consulting Services can assist you in submitting a thorough, accurate, and full application package so you may quickly and effectively get your licence.
Sale for Medical Purposes License:
A Sale for Medical Purposes licence is needed by anyone intending to sell packaged cannabis products to patients. It is possible to apply for this licence with or without cannabis possession.
Your business can keep packaged cannabis goods on-site for sale to medical cannabis patients if you have a Sale for Medical Purposes licence with possession. Those who have been given the go-ahead by a medical expert can then sign up with your company to purchase cannabis goods, which you can then ship from your site to the end client.
A Sale for Medical Purposes licence without possession enables your business to sell medical cannabis to registered medical cannabis clients, however, the cannabis cannot be physically stored at your site. Rather, when a registered patient places an order with your business, the product will be shipped directly from the licensed producer to your client.