Security and Site Design
Physical Security Plan (PSP) and Organizational Security Plan (OSP)
A strong application also includes a physical security plan. Submission of an Organization Security Plan (OSP) with a list of SOP priority areas is a crucial component. Standard Operating Procedures, or SOPs, are employed to describe site operations. These will be listed and simply explained in the application. The OSP SOPs are divided into four sections: record-keeping, reporting, and testing; physical security; security awareness and training; and security clearances and negative information on employees. A summary of the business strategy, information on the designated personnel’s security clearance, data about the head of security, an organizational chart with explanations, and an attestation are also included in the OSP.
The criteria for physical security are fairly specific. The facility site must be built to guard against illegal access. A fence or building envelope must be used to clearly delineate the site perimeter. The location of all storage places and the footprint of any buildings must also be noted. Outside of the proposed site perimeter must be any locations, including any structures, that are not used exclusively by the applicant or that are used for unrelated purposes. It is important to deploy all necessary security measures so that they all function together to protect the site and prevent illegal access.