
Cannabis Licensing Experts in Canada

Trichome Consulting Services Inc.

Experience, Accuracy, and Results.

What I Want to…

Make Cannabis Products

Trim, cut, dry, extract, manufacture, package, label cannabis products.

Grow Cannabis

Produce dried or fresh cannabis,
plants and seeds.

Conduct Cannabis Testing

Conduct analytical testing for
purity, potency, identity.

Sell Medical Cannabis

Sell cannabis as medicine
for register users.

Legacy to Legal

Migrate Legacy Licence to
the Legal Market.

Grow / Possess your Own

Register to produce or possess cannabis for your own medical purposes.

Cannabis Industry News & Updates

  • UK Cannabis Legalization Could Yield £1.5 Billion Annually
    Cannabis industry is heading in the right direction, business operators say. U.S. plant-touching cannabis businesses – such as cultivators, manufacturers and retailers – say the industry is heading in a better direction, even without the impending rescheduling of marijuana.
  • CBD May Mitigate Severe Behavioral Symptoms In Children With Autism
    Cannabis industry is heading in the right direction, business operators say. U.S. plant-touching cannabis businesses – such as cultivators, manufacturers and retailers – say the industry is heading in a better direction, even without the impending rescheduling of marijuana.
  • Cannabis Provides Sustained Relief For Cancer-Related Pain In UK Study
    Cannabis industry is heading in the right direction, business operators say. U.S. plant-touching cannabis businesses – such as cultivators, manufacturers and retailers – say the industry is heading in a better direction, even without the impending rescheduling of marijuana.
  • Canadians are Consuming Less Alcohol and More Cannabis
    Cannabis industry is heading in the right direction, business operators say. U.S. plant-touching cannabis businesses – such as cultivators, manufacturers and retailers – say the industry is heading in a better direction, even without the impending rescheduling of marijuana.
  • Cannabis Industry’s Contribution to Canada’s GDP Continues to Increase
    Cannabis industry is heading in the right direction, business operators say. U.S. plant-touching cannabis businesses – such as cultivators, manufacturers and retailers – say the industry is heading in a better direction, even without the impending rescheduling of marijuana.
  • Calgary Passes Motion to Move Forward with On-Site Cannabis sales at events
    Cannabis industry is heading in the right direction, business operators say. U.S. plant-touching cannabis businesses – such as cultivators, manufacturers and retailers – say the industry is heading in a better direction, even without the impending rescheduling of marijuana.



Affiliated Providers

All Nations
The Legacy Market
Canadian Cannabis Exchange
Mona Lisa Healing

Gess Security Integration
Lift Event
Cannabis Act Video Attestations Specialists
420 Realtor - Cannabis Facilities

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We look forward to connecting with you and discussing your licensing and business goals!